Saturday, July 5, 2008

Car Shopping

We are in desperate need of a new vehicle. By new, I mean new to us. So we went shopping today because there are a lot of "freedom" weekend deals. SO FRUSTRATED!

Here's what I learned today:

- The last 2 yrs with no car payments has me SPOILED!
- Cars have 8 million options.
- Whatever you say your budget is salesmen show you cars 2-5000 over.
- I am picky.
- This is going to be a much longer process than I had originally hoped.

We saw 2 possibilities but that was about it. Not "oh my gosh we love it and its perfect for us" cars. 2 vehicles that had the space we needed, were in the ballpark of our price range, and that one of us did not hate for some reason or another. I also decided that like cheap furniture building and room rearranging should be added to premarital classes.


Jenni said...

Good luck! My advice is go late in the month, late in the evening, when it has rained a lot, then threaten (nicely) to leave at least 3 times, because they WILL lower the price, at least a few times. :)

Angelle said...

I agree with the premarital classes. Those are things people need to practice before marriage. :)