Monday, April 21, 2008

What in the world?

Tori came home today and said the kids were teasing her at lunch today because one of the little boy's has a crush on her. This has been an ongoing problem that I have told her just to tell them hes a nice boy but just a friend, dont talk about other people, etc. Today I called for a parent conference with the teacher and the other kids parents.

Today the comment was..."Jacob wants to have sex with Tori."

Is it just me or does it scare the crap out of you that kids are making those kind of statements in the 2nd grade? I just dont feel like at 7 she needs to have the birds and bees explained to her but if kids are talking like that how long can you put it off. I would rather that lesson come from me that a bunch of stupid kids.

Again I ask...where is my parent handbook?

1 comment:

Jenni said...

AGHHH!! This totally made me cringe. I hope you're actually WRITING that parent handbook because I'm going to need it some day!