Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Summer Randomness

I LOVE summer. Always have, always will. We spent the weekend outside, hitting the beach Saturday with Todd's brother's family. Honeymoon Island was gorgeous, not too packed and the kids (including the adult Maddex boys) had a great time digging up some "treasure" they found in the water, which ended up just being some random wood planks but it entertained them for a long time. Long enough for my tan to improve anyway. We followed the beach up with a late lunch at the Island Outpost and then headed home for showers and naps! After church Sunday we headed out for a picnic/boating at Phillipe Park. Had a great time tubing and playing in the water! I left my camera at home all weekend so all my pics (hello I had to take them) are on Todd's phone which is not here so I will photo dump later!

Other randomness...

- VBS at our church is this week and it never fails to amaze me how awesome it is. 277 kids the first night!

- stupid grasshoppers are huge, seriously, HUGE!


- Tori went to middle school prep camp Mon and Tues to learn where classrooms were, meet teachers, etc

- we made fun summer cupcakes that look ridiculous but are actually yummy spice cake


- we got an estimate to have the inside of our house painted, and then we decided we could probably do it ourselves. oy vey life is expensive.

- day off means errands, cleaning and fun with the kiddos so I am off! have a great day all!

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