Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Schools Out for the Summer!!!

My little girl with the chunky cheeks and curly pigtails was hard to remember as I looked at this gorgeous daughter of mine "graduating" from elementary school today. As parents it is our job to think our kids are the best. The brightest. It is our job to celebrate the small victories and the big ones.


But today, today she was celebrated by others. Lots of students were honored today, but it was fun to hear her name called for multiple awards. It was fun to see others recognize her hard work and especially her creativity! It was kind of sad to say goodbye to her teachers and this school we have spent 6 years at...Mrs. Fleeman and Mr. Feyerband ended her elementary career with a bang though. We could not have asked for better teachers this year!


So what was celebrated? Well she passed of course. She also got a certificate for always having Principal's List. She was chosen as one of a trio of girls that kicked off the proceeding with the Star Spangled Banner. She was honored with a medal for excellence in art. She was chosen as the outstanding chorus female student of the year. She was honored for singing in the all county chorus performance. And she was honored for her part on the Bobcat Broadcasting Team where she gave current events on the morning news program.

My girl is in middle school. And I think her and her friends, I think they are ready for a new adventure!



Tristan too had a fabulous year in the 2nd grade. He started gifted, he was honored as a "Prestigious Paw" kid 3 times - for honesty, responsibility, and kindness! Today he wore crazy hair and did everything backwards (reading first instead of last, etc) and had a great last day!


And then we celebrated. Todd had the day off so we loaded up the bikes and roller blades and went for a ride down the Pinellas Trail. And then in keeping with Maddex family last day of school tradition we got ice cream. We stopped at this podunk little place in Crystal Beach that had the coolest tables and Working Cow ice cream - a big fav in our house. The kids picked Superman which kills me but they LOVED it. And now it is officially summer!!!



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