Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer Love.

Summer in Florida is brutally hot and the humidity makes you forget the meaning of the word dry. You can breathe the air in the water, you can feel it on your skin, and quite frankly most people hate it. And while I could do without feeling sticky moments after your morning shower I consider it small sacrifice for the part of Florida I love. Days when the clouds are like cotton candy in painted skies, the water is warm and the boat is gassed up!


Days when a corn hole game battles on, cold drinks emerge from coolers and even little friends come out to see what we are celebrating.


And I love sharing it with the people who make your life better. Sometimes family by blood, sometimes the friends that feel like family.


I love those days when you head to the beach and soak up the sun and the sand and the waves...the kids dig and they skim board and boogie board and swim...and the dinner hour rolls around and instead of going home you find whatever clothes happen to be in your car and less sandy than the ones you are wearing. You throw them on, try not to care about the wind whipped hair you are currently sporting and continue good conversation over BBQ!

What I do not love is saying goodbye. And while one last long day together was simply wonderful, the idea of them being an entire country away is not so wonderful. So instead of goodbye as you say...Au Revoir... or until we meet again. You will be truly missed!


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