Wednesday, March 9, 2011

To Do

I have the day off (yay!) and a ridiculous list of things to do (boo!). So today I will...

- edit pictures
- pay bills
- make grocery list
- attack Mt.Laundry
- clean my house
- get an oil change for the van
- get fingerprinted (work thing)
- mail out some packages
- cut giant tree branches into smaller ones so the garbage will take it
- clean my fountain
- bleach part of my shower
- deal with our health insurance company
- return library books
- take both kids to get haircuts and the slurpees I bribed them with
- take team photos of toris team
- watch her softball game
- make dinner

Ready, Get Set, Go!


Angelle said...

LeShayne, if you finish it all, you are SUPER WOMAN! I want an update at the end of the day of completed tasks!

Laurie said...

Yeah- how much did you get done? I took one kid to the doctor, tagged some clothes, and ate a half dozen mini chocolate cupcakes.