Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ball, Blades and Booms!

The last couple weeks have flown by in a frenzy of practices, games, patients, homework, cleaning and activities. So much so that this moment, this moment of silence prior to everyone else waking, this moment I revel in going to work late for once (at 7:30 instead of 6:45) is the only moment I have had to even sort of post an update! But here it is.

The last two weekends have been opening seasons for softball and baseball respectively. I LOVE watching my kids out there. It gets a bit redundant at times and it often feels like one thing too many on our calendar but its so fun to watch them come into their own out there. Tori is making HUGE strides. She is learning to play catcher and rocking it. She is tagging people out at home, stopping balls she could not have just a few short weeks ago and throwing like a dynamo!

Her first game:



I totally suck and forgot the camera for Tristan's game which actually happened a week later. At their level they change positions often but he got to play first, shortstop and second. He was thrilled with that! He is fun to watch because he has this natural athletic ability that my brother had but I certainly did not. And it's fun to observe him as an observer...not as his mom. It's like he forgets I am sitting there.

This absolutely gorgeous weather has pulled us all out of the house into its warmth. We decided it was as good a time as any to practice with Tori's new roller blades. Tristan has the hang of skating but...remember that natural athletic ability I mentioned moments ago? Well Tori, she does not have it. Child is a mess. But she got the softball thing with diligence and she'll get this but in the mean time...the drama. Oh the drama.





And speaking of drama, Todd decided he still had the ability to jump stairs...on skates. Like he did in high school. Over a decade ago. Just so you know...he does not have this ability.


No worries - nothing broke!!!

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