Monday, December 1, 2008

Christmas has arrived

While Black Friday and Starbucks Gingersnap Latte's kick off my Christmas season it has not fully arrived until certain things are done. Namely the decorations are up and the first batch of cookies is making the house smell yummy.

Couple of pictures...Tristan putting on the crown of thorns & Tori putting on the star, Todd aiding in both!

Max got a little stressed by the chaos, running between boxes and then finally giving up and collapsing on the couch to watch the rest of the festivities. Ain't he cute?

My snowman collection has grown to 60+ and I just love pulling them out each year. I love remembering where I got each one or who got it for me. The one on the left Tori and Todd gave me her 3rd Christmas, and Todd wrapped it without putting it in the box and the carrot nose popped right out of the paper, it was hilarious!

Last but not least a funny picture with a funny story. We have a fake tree, this is FL, lots of people do. And ours is pretty real looking but this year the top broke, we've had it since our first we had to rig the top. In doing so Todd decided to just jam the star on top so our tree looked like a triangle with the point cut off (a tall skinny trapezoid for you math people) with a ridiculous star on top. Well I had the giggles and the camera simultaneously and just started taking random pictures of Todd who was getting very frustrated with the tree, and me who was celebrating because this means at the end of this year I can buy the 10 ft tree I really wanted but couldn't justify bc I already had a perfectly good tree - and no I did not break it - so I snapped this picture. I love this face...its the face I get when hes trying to being mad at me and is about to be sarcastic but he can't stop smiling/laughing to spit it out. Shhh, noone tell him I posted it, its not super flattering :-)
Sorry if you are just reading this Todd made me remove the picture so you'll just have to imagine it!

1 comment:

carydip said...

Aww-I think it's cute-Love~Mom