We have three Christmas trees. We have a 7.5 ft and rather wide tree in my living room, its pretty and matches my furniture. Yes you did read that right. It broke this year (see story below) so we will be replacing it this year with a 10 ft tree but same concept. All the ornaments ares gold and white. Its my "pretty" tree. Or my department store tree as Todd calls it. Much prettier at night but this pic will have to do!
We also have a 7 ft tree in the bedroom. This is a pencil tree (think ridiculously skinny) and has all of our sentimental ornaments on it. I got a round ornament each year (Fraggle Rock, Smurfs, Gators, Barbie, etc) growing up and I get an ornament for each of my kids each year (cruise ships, mickey ears, spiderman, etc). And of course there are all those ornaments the kids make. So this is my nostalgic aka traditional tree complete with colored lights.
Lastly I have my snowman tree. I have collected gobs of snowmen over the years but some are just too tiny to display. So they get there own tree - a tiny 3ft tree Charlie Brown tree, its kind of sad but it has that vintage homespun feel I like, and that most of my snowman resemble.
See dont you feel the need to get another tree now?! Honestly if I thought it was a battle I could win I would put up a sports tree in Tristans room and a "FL" tree in Toris room (you know like flamingos, santa surfing, etc). Pretty sure Todd would say no way so I'll be content with these!
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