Friday, August 29, 2008


Do you ever have one of those days that is a nightmare but hilarious in hindsight?

This morning I woke up and got in the shower and thought what is that noise?! So I turn the water up, down, hotter, colder, off, and on thinking it was the pipes. As I am drying off I realize its my poor son with a cough strikingly similiar to a honking goose. So now I have to get Todd up to find out if he can work from home until I get back...which he can. So now I am running late but headed out the door anyway - with an open mug of coffee. Which seems bad but I do this all the time so no worries. Well no worries until I am two minutes from work and the car in front of me slams on his breaks and swerves off the road causing me to swerve and to dump a half a cup of coffee on my shirt, my WHITE shirt! Doh! Thank the Lord for 24 hour Walmarts in Pasco where I bought a not so cute but fairly cheap light colored shirt to wear under the sweater I also had. Oy vey!!! Just when I think I made it and it will all get better from here I had a patient decide I smelled good and followed me around for an hour...ew! To escape I went into another patient's room to interview them just in time for him to puke all over the floor in front of me.

Thankfully I finished work early and used my sick at home son to sneak out before taking on anything else and have had an ok afternoon since. Not the way to start off my day but in hindsight it's all kind of funny.

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