Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Dr.Seuss Book

It was one of those days...I had a PTA meeting, fall festival meeting, Tori's Turkey Trot, dubbing ceremony, etc. So of course last night I wake up with a nasty migraine and have a miserable night.

This morning rolls around and I drag myself out of bed...get the kids ready...more medicine and a quick prayer that things will turn around.

Then I take the truck, our little pickup truck to pick up 9 bales of hay. What a terrible idea that was. The guy comes out to help me wearing dress clothes, tries to pick it up like a box (by hugging it) and has no muscle power to get it up into the truck. So now I load the 9 bales of hay practically on my own, using the strings to lift it like the good little farm girl I am.

Whew! One project done, they are tied in and I am on the road only to find I did not think to bring a tarp so there is hay flying everywhere, cars are getting out of my way, people walking on the street are flapping their hands in front of them. Oy!

I finally make it to Toris school, watch the turkey trot, make it through the first meeting and half way through the second one I realize my migraine is back and I am going to throw up. So I excuse myself and come back, then proceed to spill my coffee on the principal's shoe. Gotta go back and get paper towels, clean it up. Finally I am done...I have to go home and get more meds and sleep for a few.

So I am sore, covered in hay, sick of elementary schools, embarassed to high heaven and I call my dear husband for sympathy who says..."Sometimes when you tell me stories about your day its more like your reading me a Dr.Suess story." Just the thing to make me feel better...

Glad the day is over.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

The Maddex men have such a way with words...

Hope tomorrow is better!