Monday, August 16, 2010

To Do

When it rains it pours is usually said in conjunction with tragedy or hardships but I believe that it applies in general. We have been so blessed and at this moment experiencing one of those times in life where things really come together. Todd's work is growing and expanding quickly. My job has given me solid hours for awhile. My photography business is gaining momentum. The kids are at this fabulous place where they are not too cool to hang out with us but old enough to really do fun things - play sports, go to theme parks, watch movies, even just chit chat! And we found the house we have been searching for....but along with most of that is this crazy to do list.

In the next 3 weeks...
- the kids start school
- we move
- fall little league starts
- having a garage sale
- 4 scheduled photography sessions
- I turn 30!

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