Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Break: Fun and Flops

I love holidays. All of them. We celebrate the big ones and the little ones, even ones that don't belong to our country (Cinqo de Mayo, etc). And Easter is one of my favorites. All those yummy pastel colors and the fun of finding a pretty basket stuffed with fun, not to mention the gorgeous spring weather it always welcomes back! We are not traditional about our Easter meal - we don't usually have a ham or even have family over - we often spend it in the park and have even gone so far as to have KFC one year. But for 7 years straight we have one tradition: The Bayside Easter EGGGGGGGGGGGGGstravaganza, said in my best announcer voice. Its filled with people we enjoy, silly carnival games, petting zoos and face painting. Not to mention Fritz the one man show.




We had some candlelit fun to celebrate Earth Hour. Tristan shut himself in the bathroom once without a candle though, and told me he couldn't see where to go! Ah...duh, bring a candle with you.


Then we attempted these yarn eggs that should have been adorable and easy according to Family Fun.

Turns out they were messy and hard and we never did end up with a final product because as the kids and balloons got gluier and the yarn slid off the balloon over and over again - we decided that cupcakes were a better project and between that and dying Easter eggs who needed a silly complicated craft anyway! Our attempt was a mess and not the fun I had planned but hilarious nonetheless.



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