Wednesday, March 4, 2009

To Do

I have Wednesdays off right now, today is actually my last one but in general I have had them. And I feel like I should have this day to enjoy - you know spend time at the gym, take a leisurely shower, etc. (Blog!) Instead I feel like I have this insane to do list. And the only reason I have time to post is because I needed a coffee break considering its 9:30 and I have done 3 loads of laundry, been to 3 stores, scheduled 2 appts, packed up two ebay packages, made beds and gotten ready for the day. Still on the list: mailing said packages, having lunch with Tristan, sewing numbers on 22 baseball jerseys, washing sheets from the beds, putting away 2 basketfuls of clean laundry, ironing half dozen shirts and half dozen dress pants, returning something to Target,pick up kids, kids orthodontist appt, grocery shopping, swim practice for Tori and running my 2 miles for the day...oh and I have to do it around the pest control guy I am waiting on.

I would prefer the list to read: go running, take shower, read book at Starbucks with Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte, have lunch with Tristan, shop, pick kids up, bake cookies, watch Idol, go to bed. That would be nice.

Reality calls gotta go!

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