Saturday, October 18, 2008


I know there are givers and takers in this world, blah, blah, blah. But it pisses me off so much when people pretend to be your friend to use you.

I have this friend who I used to be very close to. We had a blast together. She is truly one of the funniest people I know. And then she and her husband started a new project/business together and disappeared of the face of the planet. Didn't return calls, RSVP to invitations, no response to emails, etc. Then of course one day out of the blue she shows up, apologizes for it all, and we go out to dinner where she promptly ask me to sew for her. Then nothing for another month or so, then suddenly they have a new baby and she wants to get together again - and she needs something for the baby's room. Now its been a good 3-4 months and the only contact has been an invitation to her kids bday party which we politely declined as the kids had soccer/swim. Found out she was pregnant, called her a couple of times, nope still nothing.

So this morning I wake up to an email from her saying we should really catch up and by the way my kids have something she wants to borrow would that be ok?!?

I don't think she means to be hurtful per se but it really bothers me. I am more than my skills and material items and it bothers me that she treats me like I am not. I hear that not everyone is a pursuer but come on. Its one thing to be bad about returning calls or whatever but its a whole nother thing to make contact every couple months asking for something.

So in these situations what do you do? I dont want to ignore her like she ignores me. I also don't want to be rude and just say no you can't borrow it without a legit reason which I dont actually have, but I also dont want her to think she can keep doing it.

1 comment:

Angelle said...

That is a tough call. I would probably let them borrow it because I don't have a good reason otherwise. I don't think I would confront the situation because I am a wuss like that. But if you do, more power to you!