Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Exhibits A through C


What do Exhibits A, B, and C have in common? Stress relief. Just call them coping mechanisms.

A. Stress baking - go for the good stuff. Carmelitas! Think oatmeal cookie meets chocolate chip cookie and gets glued together with carmel.

B. Stress pruning - frustrated? Get giant scissors, hack at a tree leaving it essentially naked and ridiculous but ready for spring.

C. Stress GNO/Sister Therapy - Pear and Gorgonzola pizza with the most delicious Sangria I have had in a long time, followed by a walk around the nicest part of the city complete with moonlit fountains and winding up in the disturbing but humorous La Cage aux Folles. In case you did not already know - George Hamilton cannot act. More than that he cannot sing. At all. Which makes for a sad but hysterical night at the theater.

Okay so why the coping mechanism x 3?

Since approximately Thanksgiving we have had bills upon bills upon bills. Not the oh-gosh-my-electric-was-a-tad-high kind but the insurance-problems-for-past-surgery-two-visits-to-urgent-care-for-Tristan-middle-school-retreat-for-church-fees-Little-League-fees x 2-shower-leaking-through-the-wall-TWO-cars-falling-apart-simultaneously-all-around-the-holidays-and-our-anniversary-kind.

And the hospital moved, which means behavioral health is now a stand alone in the old building. So my office moved. And my coworker quit. So I am working ALOT. One week in March I actually work 12 days in a row with one off to go on a field trip with Tristan.

And its ball season. And both kids are now playing again. Long story but Tori is back in.

I have sucked at blogging but honestly by the time I get to the end of the day, I don't care. This too shall pass but I am tired.

Next post will be more positive - promise. I have pinterest projects to post, new baseball pics and some good things coming.

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