Wednesday, May 18, 2011


After Brooker Creek talent show:
Me: Were those boys that sang forget you twins?
Tristan: No. They are in different grades, but if they were the same age they would be twins. Instead they are just identical.

Also after Brooker Creek talent show:
Me: That last kid was hilarious.
Todd: He may never live that down.
Me: Yeah he might get made of fun of for that one.
Todd: That's the kind of thing you can never live down and then one day you are making pipe bombs and carrying them to school and kids if you see that kid with a backpack RUN!
Me: Seriously? What is wrong with you?

Tori is having an art party for her birthday and I ordered these super cute berets for all of the girls instead of party hats or crowns or they came today. They are primary colors and the one on top was green so I show Tristan how you wear them and he says "Um, mom you look like a pickle."

Tori said nothing funny but she texted me....shudder, shes so ooooold...."I'm safe mom. Ms. Jenn did not forget me." Good to know child, good to know.

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