Saturday, December 18, 2010

Finally...its time for Christmas

I am thankful - for my overall health and that of my families, for financial stability, employment in general. I am thankful for my amazing family - immediate and extended. I am thankful for friends to cry on and laugh with! I am blessed indeed.

But it's still been a tough month. With someone out at work I have picked up almost full time hours while trying to organize a huge Giving Tree project at the kids school (240 wishes fulfilled this week though - pics to come!). Oh and I got sick. I mean sick, sick. Fever, chills, sniffles, lung hacking sick. And then it kept on going like the gosh darn energizer bunny until I saw a doctor...who gave me antibiotics which I suck at taking. So its getting there...and I am feeling human again despite the daily bouts of ridiculous smokers cough I have suddenly developed.

So today is the day - I am finally ready for Christmas to begin. Giving Tree gifts have been delivered, the fever has broke and I can breathe, the kids finished school until 2011, and my work scheduled drastically drops for the next 2 weeks.

So let the festivities come. Lots to come in the next few days!

Missed my little blog :)

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