Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Eve

Todd and I both had the day off and we had no plans prior to our usual Christmas Eve festivities in the evening. So we decided to go ice skating, outdoors. Christmassy right?

Okay so the "outdoor rink" was under a tent and was so tiny we decided not to skate. But the kids had fun!



The kids have not skated too much...I think a couple times each. And that was awhile ago. So they were a little shaky but improved as they were out there.



Afterward we played in the park for awhile. If you are ever in the Tampa Bay area - this square rocks! Check it out. Curtis Hixon park is like an oasis in the middle of downtown (and fab for photos!). Huge sprawling grass area, park benches, fountains, tiered steps perfect for picnicking, and surrounded by both the Tampa Museum of Art and the Glazier Children's Museum. Oh and did I mention the awesome playground...riverfront. Compliments of the ice rink we managed to experience multiple seasons all at once - and they say FL only has one season!





See I do exist!


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