Tuesday, January 3, 2012


1. This should look familiar as it was #1 last year too. Sigh. This year I am going to be a runner...blah, blah, blah, blah. I could give you all the reasons why it might work this time but I won't. I will say this...I have gone TWO weeks running TWO miles every other day. A way better (and earlier) start than prior years. And if at first you don't succeed try again right. So #1 - Be A Runner Take 2 (or maybe 8?!?)

2. I am gonna make my house purty. On a budget. Because I am creative and I have the power of pinterest. And I am sick of living in a house that I don't LOVE. So by the end of the year me and my DIY self are going to make my house gorgeous.

3. I am going to take more time to be with my family. Last year one of my goals was to be intentional and I worked really hard at that and am pretty happy with the results. But I still have a tendency fill our lives with intentional activities and then fill the gaps with a lot of busyness - chores, multitasking, etc. More than ever my kids need me to just sit and have a conversation with them, read with them, watch a silly movie with them, etc. And not while cooking or cleaning or folding laundry. So I am gonna work harder to "just be" with my family.

4ish. Todd and I are hoping to save more/pay of the rest of our debt this year. We are at the point where we need to start saving diligently for things like college and retirement and not just the savings account. But this is a every year goal as well, one that improves slightly each year. And will again. So its 4-ISH!

What's on your list? Do you make resolutions?

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