Friday, February 11, 2011

An early Valentines...

Today I had a day off and decided I should catch up after being a slacker mom. With Tori I had a lot of free time to help with parties and field trips and time to go have lunch with her. But it's been harder to do those things for Tristan because of my increasing work schedule. So today I had a scheduled day off and played catch up. Picked up lunch and joined Tori who is "too old" for Valentine's parties...her words not mine. Then helped in Tristan's classroom where they made the worlds most sugared cookies, did a few Vday experiments and played freeze dance. Hilarious. Then I got in the car for this conversation....

Tori: You know what happened today at school?
Me: What?
Tori: The. Dumbest. Thing. Ev. Er.
Me: Well that was dramatic, what happened?
Tori: Well, this one girl went home "sick" because this other girl asked this guy out. And the guy was her boyfriend. And she was sick about it. And you know whats really stupid? The guy probably has no idea he's either of their boyfriends. Really...this stuff should wait for at least 7th grade.

Me: Speechless.

Good news though. I guess I am not worrying about boys until she hits 7th grade.

1 comment:

Taylor said...

I literally just laughed out loud! Man I wish we lived closer so I got to see them more often. They are growing up so fast! (Should I tell her now that boy still have no clue in 7th grade?)