Tuesday, June 23, 2009

LeShayne's No Good Very Bad Day

Woke up screaming, yes screaming, in pain. Had this huge cramp/knot in my calf muscle that was literally visible it was so big. Very painful.

Ran out of my house juggling dry cleaning and coffee and my Publix green bags that needed to go in the car while giving instructions to Todd to give the babysitter. Grabbed the wrong keys. Got all the way to work and realized I had the only key to Todds car essentially stranding him at my house.

Had a conversation with my boss at work based on a conversation I had with a friend at work about my position/availability. He got a super confused look on his face and come to find out my friend LIED to me. I now look like an idiot.

Came home from work (Todd borrowed our sitter's/friend's car) and switched cars, did a load of laundry, and thought maybe my day would look up.

Drove Tori to swim practice where I find out she forgot her goggles. Turn around and get them and go back.

Come home - now I will get something done right? Wrong! I hear a funny dripping noise in the closet and open it to find water raining out of my AC/ceiling. The pan overflowed and leaked water and must have all day because every box we store in there is soaked through. Call the AC guy, who doesn't do after hours, tells us to drain the pan and if it does not stop turn it off. Great.

So we open the attic, but our roof was just repaired so every nasty little bit of roof that fell and every nail that got knocked out is all over the attic and rains down on my head as I open it. My dog is now trying to eat it. And my closet is STILL DRIPPING!

We finally get the AC pan emptied, still dripping bc the wall/ceiling in closet is soaked and still dripping. Drag everything but the water heater out of there...and turn off the air. This is FL. The "feels like" temp here (temp + humidity factor for those of you that have never lived here) was 108 yesterday. Last night it was 85 degrees in our house. A peaceful night of sleep was not to be had by any of us.

So the AC guy is supposed to be here this morning. And my day has to get better right? Of course no AC means no iron, no dryer, no oven, no dishwasher, or anything else that creates heat. So I am a day behind and leave for vacation tomorrow - excellent!

God give me the strength...


Laurie said...

Maybe you should go live in Australia...

(One of Ian's favorite books!)

So sorry for your terrible, horrible, no good very bad day!

Jenni said...

You officially win in the worst day category! Hope that things are looking up today, and that you're able to get some peace and relaxation on your vacay. I know I live far away, but you're welcome to my washer/dryer/iron if you need them! :)

Rhiannon said...

Having no ac is the worst!