Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I spoke too soon...

Today, approximately 1.5 feet from where I was standing we had a man lose control, rip the luminated EXIT sign right off the ceiling, shatter it on the ground pulling a live wire with a big warning that said 240 volts right out of the ceiling. This triggered a safety feature on the unit plunging all of us (myself, 3 female nurses and 10 psychotic pts)into total darkness. These 10 pts are on what we call our ICU unit, aka more out of control. The generator only took 30 seconds or so to kick in and give us half light but those seemed the longest 30 seconds ever.

Can I tell you I have had my heart pumping or slightly worried about getting a swift kick or fast punch at work before but I have never been downright petrified and today I most certainly was. To watch this huge guy just rip that sign down and see stuff shattering, sparks flying and him screaming all but incoherently and then to be in the pitch black with him made the worst of my "one flew over the cuckoo nest" nightmares of this job feel really close to home.

The pt has since stabilized and noone was hurt. Maintenance responded quickly and while the sign is temporarily missing the ceiling has been patched until new one can be ordered and reinstalled...in a safer location.


Jenni said...

So glad all turned out OK, but geez louise what a nutcase!

carydip said...

So glad you're ok! No Orderlies on this floor to tackle a big crazy guy?? Did you just freeze? What a scary situation. Thought you were in an office doing evaluations. Now you've got me worried. Love~Mom