Sunday, October 24, 2010

Slow Growing...

Since I started Barefoot Summer Photography it's been slow going and slow growing. Which is my own fault. I don't have tons to invest in it so marketing has been minimal, by which I mean nonexistent. And word of mouth has brought me the clients I have had thus far. I am not complaining by any means, I just have not had the time to invest in it with my work scheduled amped up anyway. That being said my father in law and brother in law run a small advertising magazine and offered me some space to run an ad. So I did. It's not huge but I do have two new clients on the calender in less than a week so that's progress. But I was really happy with the way the ad turned out...except the 20% should say off after it, oops! Oh well, people will figure it out. And if they don't they will ask and I will answer!


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