- there is only one week of summer vacation left. the kids are excited to head back and have all their school supplies ready to go. both hoping for certain teachers, neither find out until the day before.
- still house hunting, considering placing an offer on one, trying to gauge how much to offer due to the amount we need to have to put into it, a little discouraged i think but trying not to be
- tori has spent the last month hanging out with friends and having multiple sleepovers, going to her first sleepaway camp (pics coming next week), and helping me cook meals to put in the new freezer for work days (she loves to cook - did not get this from her mom)
- tristan went to soccer camp, had multiple playdates with friends and got signed up for fall little league
- todd "hired" a guy to work with him, then fired him, back on the lookout for someone good as his customer base is growing quickly
- still working at the hospital, most days right now doing insurance reviews of psych patient records with the companies and doctors authorizing payment, some days back in the ER
- taking a quick weekend at Universal Studios, hoping the weather cooperates