Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Why wait?!

I decided I am not going to wait until New Years to start my resolutions - that just gives me a whole week to eat extra crap I don't need. begins my attempt to lose weight and change my lifestyle to a healthier one. If you too are planning weight loss for the new year check out - its free and its got great tools.

Anyway here are my goals:

1. To track my food intake as well as exercise daily on

2. To cook at least 5 nights a week. By cook I mean actually cook - frozen pizza does not count.

3. To hit the gym at least twice a week and run at least twice a week as well.

My goal is to lose 5 lbs a month which seems reasonable enough; but more than that to change my overall eating habits - eating out less, cooking healthy foods more often, etc.

1 comment:

Bleeber said...

Sorry for making you go out tonight with us to Subway. :( Was fun to hang out though.