Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Racing Thoughts

It's been awhile since I wrote but it has be BUSY. I feel like I barely have time to catch my breath these days much less write a legible post with pictures.

So pictures and a real post to's the racing thought version of what's happening here:

Coworker out of town, covering both our cases, baseball/softball 4 nights this week, company the 5th, gotta pick up the dog we are watching, crap I should consider meals, clean uniforms?, working on it, clean scrubs would be good too, you're working late TONIGHT?, oy, where did I put that permission slip, my baby is 10!!, new carpet looks great now if I could just finish the bathroom, deliver those gifts, coffee please, out? what?, I REALLY need to get to the grocery store, you need your uniform clean again? didnt i just wash it? did someone feed the dog, you have five minutes to be out the door, is this game ever going to end, toris catching, nerves frying, tristans pitching, eek, oh my gosh its 11 already, good lord my bed is comfy.

This weekend on the other hand is the first in awhile that is slow. So pics of current baseball/softball season, birthday boy and home improvements are on their way!

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