Thursday, October 15, 2009


The kids have now officially missed the entire week of school (there is no school tomorrow - pro ed day). The good news is I think they are finally getting better.

Other augh - Todd and I, inspired by Bryan and Laurie, decided to try this p90x thing. So we did the first video last night, we are doing the lean version for the first round since Todd cannot do heavy heavy chest/back because of his shoulder surgery. So the first video was "Synergistics" and I should tell you that I had better see results if I am going to feel like this. I am SO sore, SO sore. Only 89 more days to go...

1 comment:

carydip said...

And Bryan & Laurie were inspired by Trent & Ella! Although they've not been able to do it together since his arm surgery. But they'll get back to it-they really like it. Sorry 'bout the soreness-don't push so hard! Mom